How about a free website add on for your blog? Blogskinny, the most favorite directory of mine that has brought lots of traffic to this newly constructed celebrity blog is offering free "weatherbadge" for you blog. This weatherbadge is good way to personalize your blog as it displays the real-time weather conditions where you live.

According to some research more personal blogs have larger followings. Readers need to feel connected to the writer on a personal level. Sharing details about yourself, even things as mundane as the weather right now where you live, will help you build and maintain this connection.

You can choose from two main designs:

Or this:

You can customize the designs according to your taste. Want it pink, or black or red? You can do so. Just pick your design and color and easily put the code in your blog and boom! There you have your own "WeatherBadge". Get your own Weatherbadge here.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    по моему мнению: прелестно. а82ч

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