Guide To Webhosting

Any blogger knows that the best way to have full control over your blogs or website is get your own domain. Free Blogspot and wordpress have thousands if not millions of users which includes me. There’s nothing wrong with free blogs but the risk of losing your blogs is bigger because you do not own the domain. So if you are a new blogger using free platforms like blogspot or wordpress I am reminding you of this real threat.

The solution is obvious get your own domain. But for students like me, money does not easily reach my pockets so getting a domain would probably stand in the back of my mind not because I don’t want to but because of the finances needed. But ultimately I will get my own domain, especially for this sexy celebrities' blog.

For fellow bloggers who want to know about web hosting and getting your own domain, Kaushal Sheth has an article about the best webhosting companies that you might want to check. There’s not that much about the article except for the list of best web hosting services according to the author’s opinion. But it’s still helpful especially for newbie bloggers who need that extra help.

In the site you can also find other articles that might interest you as well as resources that could help any blogger or website owner ranging from free yet beautiful templates, to paid templates, SEO and Marketing and a lot more.


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